
This Is My Blog

It's about....
oh and the "click here for full profile" don't bother. this is the full profile.
This is how you subscribe, i suggest/ask you do that now
i also hope you'll make this contributory. share stuff. not in a touchy feely way but helpful, and perhaps a bit cathartic.
you do this by:
i hope it makes your world a better place every now and again, and that you share it with others you think might like it too.
i'll post every day or two. and i'll get better with links and format and stuff too.

Very Cool 3D Miniature Modeling App (tipped by Brandon Fox)

One of the cooler apps i've come across. Easy and free.
Great to share/do with kids. Helps if the snap includes cars, trucks, trains, and a big "dof", (depth of field).
Here are two examples of my transformations. click on them to get a better shot.
Get it? These are real photos...of mine. Not models. You can do it too. And should.
Then post one of your own below. We'd love to see them.
OK, go to tiltshiftmaker.com. upload one of your pics. click. done. out it comes. publish. really, it's that easy.
And again, thanks Brandon!

Parental Tippage

In the ongoing series about Parenting Tips where the simplest answer is often the best, if you're trying to get your kids to eat slower, give them the most interesting utensils you can find. In this case, encourage them to drive their food around the plate before savoring. If not these, then find doll-size! Smaller is better! Teeny Tiny works best. Have some parenting tippage you're willing to share? Please post it here! (btw, you can find these utensils on amazon)


ART to share....

This is the first pencil drawing I did living on a sailboat in Puerta Villarta, MX. Thought I'd share. Hope it makes today a slightly better day for you. Give yourself a minute and "go there".

If you'd like a print, tell me why...and i just might send one to you.

If you have art you'd be willing to share, please post something...anything....really...it's encouraged...and rewarded.

Changing Your Life For Free

This is one of my most anticipated site updates of the multi-hundred I subscribe to (so you don't have to). Always the coolest...tables, bus stops, airports, finger puppets, houses, shrubberies, pet bowls...that you could possibly imagine! the sickest pics ever.
Sign Up Today For Free!
It will change your life....I promise....even in one small way.
Oh, and that snap with the construction guys...that's a chocolate eclair they're standing on.


From The Dul-de-Sac

These are some snaps of my kids.
Some of you have asked for them.
Some of you haven't.

Peaches (above and below), Erik (further below), Max (below and helmeted), and of course Debra

Change Your Life For Little Or No Money

For less than $35 you can dramatically change one of your daily experiences! I have to admit I didn't think this would deliver the kind of shower/sea change I had hoped for, but Boy Howdy was I wrong. Took less than 5 minutes to install too. Initiated as a result of not yet being able to build an Outdoor Shower at the house, this economy-sensitive addition is a true rainmaker I had to share! Take out your shower's water regulator (if you have one), for best performance. Don't worry, due to the raining (sic) force of the head, all your stuff gets done in one quarter the time, so you're still environmentally conscious! Couldn't be easier. And it's truly stunning design. Trust me, your whole body will thank you. Changing The World One Shower At A Time...
Send Me Your Shower! I will select one lucky winner who will get a FREE Cascadia Showerhead! Post your pic or essay NOW!


NY Pavillion

1964 NY Worlds Fair
and a taste for things to come...